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Circoplex Handstands

Here you will find everything you need

to learn how to Handstand

These Video Tutorials were the result of 500 Handstand Workshops filmed over 4 years.

Here is your first Handstand Tutorial

This tutorial will explain why some handstand shapes are easier than others.

It helps for us to identify the 3 most important angles:

  1. Shoulders
  2. Spine
  3. Hips

There are very simple reasons why some handstand shapes are more comfortable than others. The more flexible you are, the more choice you will have about where to position your body. The tighter you are, the more limited those options will be.

In order to balance, your centre of gravity must be over your hands. If one part of your body is one way, another part of your body must counterbalance it by being in the opposite direction.

Our body will tuck into a ball naturally, but it cannot open out into a back arch with the same ease.

The shoulder angle and back bend are the major limiting factors in the shapes we can achieve.

If our legs tuck to our tummy in handstand, our bum will have to stick out in the opposite direction to counterbalance it, but in order to support that back arch, our shoulders/back will have to arch open, and a lack of flexibility may not allow that to happen. The result is, the tuck is not possible for people who are tight.

If we let one or both legs hang over our head, the opposite will be true, this will be more comfortable for people with tight shoulders because it will counterbalance the closed shoulder angle.

When you begin, it’s easier to let your legs hang over the top. Point your toes so you don’t look like a jackass.

Ben Lowrey

There are 10 tutorials available to members

Want a straight Handstand? Here are some practical tips

Want a straight Handstand? Here are some practical tips

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How to Handstand against a wall

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Handstand Shoulder Angles Explained

Handstand Shoulder Angles Explained

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Handstand transitions for Yoga

Handstand transitions for Yoga

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How to hold a Tucked Handstand

How to hold a Tucked Handstand

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The Myth of Core Strength

The Myth of Core Strength

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Handstand shapes explained

Handstand shapes explained

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How to Cartwheel to Handstand

How to Cartwheel to Handstand

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How to Press from Crow to Handstand

How to Press from Crow to Handstand

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How to Press to Handstand

How to Press to Handstand

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The two best Handstand drills for beginners

The two best Handstand drills for beginners

The aim of this video tutorial is to provide the simplest drills to learn how to handstand. The main components are 1. Controlled entry into the handstand 2. Balance once you're there These two exercises will help you progress in both of those, in the simplest +...

You can also access 43 daily Handstand Drills

You will also gain access to 13 Workshop Clips

You will also gain access to the Ultimate Handstand Tutorial

A 60 minutes premium tutorial

You will also gain access to Fundamental Flexibility

A 60 minutes premium tutorial

You will also gain access to Advanced Flexibility

A 60 minutes premium tutorial featuring Vikki Earle

You will also gain access to Handstands Live at Dundry

A 60 minutes premium tutorial

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70 videos in Total

43 Daily Drills

10 Detailed Tutorials + full articles

13 Workshop Clips focussed on individual teaching points

4 full length Premium Tutorials (Each 1 hour)

Was $99.
Currently reduced 

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Ben Lowrey